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Fun Run | Reynolds and Reynolds

College Station, TX
The 2020 Fun Run is scheduled for April 4


1 - White canvas (8 x 8 or larger)
1 - $5 - $10 new toy per person (Families/Groups can combine their entry to get a larger toy. For instance, a family of three could bring one $15-$30 toy instead of three $5-$10 toys. )
2 – 9 Volt batteries
1 – Box of k-cups (at least a 12 pack)
1 Package of paper plates (50 or more large/150 or more small)
5 – Small $1 items that can be used for prize box for kids (For example, toys, stickers, etc)

Raffle Prizes

In addition to this year’s Door Prizes, we will also have several items up for raffle. Check out the Raffle page for more information.

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